On this page you can find "Facial Recognition Vendor Test" reports and links to vendors developing face recognition technology. They are presented here in alphabetical order. Some of them were participants in the "Face Recognition Vendor Test - FRVT 2002" or in the NIST Face Recognition Grand Challenge - FRGC. Besides, please find here information about Multiple Biometric Grand Challenge - MBGC.
D.M. Blackburn, M. Bone, P.J. Phillips, Face Recognition Vendor Test 2000, Evaluation Report, 16 February 2001, 70 pages P.J. Phillips, P. Grother, R.J. Micheals, D.M. Blackburn, E. Tabassi, M. Bone, Face Recognition Vendor Test 2002, Evaluation Report, March 2003, 56 pages P. Grother, Face Recognition Vendor Test 2002 - Supplemental Report, NISTIR 7083, 02 February 2004, 34 pages P.J. Phillips, P.J. Flynn, T. Scruggs, K.W. Bowyer, W. Worek, Preliminary Face Recognition Grand Challenge Results, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FGR06, Southampton, UK, 10-12 April 2006, pp. 15-24